

In the




Interview: Sussex Life

Bassist-for-hire Guy Pratt talks about his love for Brighton, his pas­sions for food and clothes and his new Pink Floyd-influ­enced super­group A Saucerful of Secrets


Interview: Music Radar

The ’80s music busi­ness was this ludi­crous theme park awash with money. All you had to do was get over the fence”


Interview: Express

His impec­ca­ble show-busi­ness pedi­gree and ebul­lient puppy-like per­son­al­ity mean audi­ences at Pratt’s Edinburgh Fringe show about his life – Inglourious Basstard – are in for 55 min­utes of a very good time. In 30 years of talk­ing to celebri­ties, Pratt is the sin­gu­larly most enter­tain­ing man I’ve spo­ken to.