15 Dec 2023

Vote For The Rockonteurs

Guy and Gary Kemp’s The Rockonteurs pod­cast has been nom­i­nated ...
13 Dec 2023

Rockonteurs with Gary Kemp and Guy Pratt: Season 5

  Rockonteurs is a pod­cast all about the real sto­ries ...
31 Jan 2020

Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets — Live At The Roundhouse

‘Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets Live At The Roundhouse’ is ...
29 Jun 2018


Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets brings together some famil­iar names, ...
08 Aug 2017

Inglourious Bassterd at Edinburgh Fringe

Guy Pratt returns from the recent David Gilmour tour to ...
25 May 2016

Rattle That Lock Tour Continues

Guy Pratt will cer­tainly be busy over the next few ...
09 Nov 2014

Pink Floyd — The Endless River

Pink Floyd’s first stu­dio out­ing in two decades is a ...
14 Mar 2014

Bryan Ferry 2014 Tour

Guy Pratt will be join­ing Bryan Ferry and The Bryan ...
06 Jan 2014

Samuel Hällkvist Tour

Guy Pratt has announced he will be tour­ing Sweden and ...
11 Oct 2013

New Website

It’s been a while..but we’re back! Here it is, the ...
12 Sep 2013

Braintree Arts Theatre

Don’t miss Guy Pratt’s won­der­fully sala­cious show ‘Sideman’ at Braintree ...
10 Jan 2011

Guy Pratt @ Adelaide Fringe Festival

Having wowed crowds the world over with ‘My Bass and ...
02 Aug 2010

G‑TARanaki International Music Week

Guy will be doing his brand new “Wake Up Call!” ...
12 Jul 2010

Guy Pratt, Roger Waters and David Gilmour perform charity show together

It’s True! David Gilmour & Roger Waters per­formed together includ­ing ...
04 Jul 2010

Wake Up Call! @ Edinbourgh Fringe Festival

It’s 4am. The alarm is set for 5. You’re in ...
05 May 2010


Just want to say what a bril­liant time we all ...
02 Feb 2010

Breakfast of Idiots’ solo show

10 Jan 2010


Thanks for the birth­day wishes.. I’m going to be at ...
22 Dec 2009

Merry Xmas!

22 Nov 2009


**** LAST EVER UK SHOW **** Host: 20th CENTURY THEATRE ...
13 Nov 2009

Speedball — Maximum Speed

That’s right..Guy’s first band has a live album com­ing out! ...
16 Sep 2009

Lost login!

I haven’t been able to get into my own bloody ...
20 Jun 2009

PMT Leeds

Thanks to every­one who came to the PMT shows in ...
03 Jun 2009


Hello all, sorry I haven’t been in for ages, and ...
13 Apr 2009


Hi all I’m going to be per­forming Jon Lord’s Concerto ...
23 Jan 2009

Just popping in..

Hello all Just thought I’d pop in. Sorry I’ve been ...
21 Jan 2009

Notting Good Taste 2

Returning to the 20th Century Theatre due to pop­ular request, ...
24 Dec 2008

Merry Xmas

To every­one… It hasn’t been the best of years, and ...
05 Dec 2008


Greetings from down under…I’m here doing the Adelaide Guitar Festival ...
06 Nov 2008


A brand new com­edy night takes place on November 13th ...
20 Oct 2008

Thank You

Just wanted to say thank you for all of your ...
15 Sep 2008


I can’t really think of any­thing to say right now ...
19 Aug 2008

Brian Cox

Hi all Sorry I haven’t writ­ten for a while…Been a ...
30 Jun 2008


Just back from Glasto, which was mer­ci­fully dry. Had a ...
18 Jun 2008


This does not apply to any of my reg­ular vis­i­tors, ...
06 Jun 2008

Planet Rock saved!!

Hi all Well great news eh? We all went and ...
28 Apr 2008


Hi all I’ve been get­ting a bit car­ried away on ...
02 Apr 2008

New Slot!!!

In their infi­nite wis­dom Planet Rock have decided to move ...
16 Mar 2008


Thanks to every­one who came to my show, it was ...
20 Feb 2008

My Bass And Other Animals — Last London Show

21 Jan 2008

Last night a DJ shaved my wife…

Hi all Well last friday’s show was bet­ter than the ...
08 Jan 2008

Thank you!

Thanks to every­one for their birth­day greetings..Last day in Bali, ...
19 Dec 2007

Merry Xmas!

I’m in Melbourne now, and after todays record­ing of Spicks ...
01 Dec 2007

Ill in Brisbane

Languishing in my hotel room in Brisbane with a nasty ...
15 Nov 2007


It’s 4am and I’m wide awake, though not for any ...
03 Nov 2007

From Russia with love..

I’m off to St Petersburg and Moscow tomor­row, first time ...
15 Oct 2007


If anyone’s in Basel, Switzerland.. I’m play­ing the Casino with ...
02 Oct 2007

Back on the road..

This week I’m head­ing out all over Eastern Europe and ...
16 Sep 2007

Sorry again..

Hi all I haven’t posted for a while because, well, ...
09 Aug 2007

Jonathan Ross Show

Those of you in the UK might be inter­ested to ...
23 Jul 2007


Hi all Running around Europe with Mr Ferry again.. I’m ...
19 Jun 2007

The show goes on…

Hi all, I have a break from Fery duties for ...
21 May 2007

Book Out!!

I went to Mackay’s the print­ers in Chatham today to ...
11 May 2007

Syd Gig

2pm yes­terday after­noon, I’m at a motor­way ser­vice sta­tion en ...
06 May 2007


As you can see, my book is fin­ished, and will ...
11 Apr 2007


I’ve been very remiss about post­ing lately. The book is ...
04 Mar 2007

On the road again..

Hi all, I’m in sunny Scotland, on a back to ...
02 Feb 2007

Time for a new post!

But I can’t really think of any­thing. Still wrestling with ...
13 Jan 2007

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Christ you lot got on it quickly…Who watches the above ...
12 Jan 2007


This is almost turn­ing into a proper blog what with ...
10 Jan 2007

Thank you for your birthday greetings..

That was very nice of you all. I’m back slog­ging ...
22 Dec 2006

Merry Xmas!!

I’d just like to wish a merry Xmas and happy ...
11 Dec 2006

ARIA Hall of Fame

I’m delighted to report that Iva Davies came round to ...
01 Dec 2006

New Post!!

Hi all, I’m exiled down in France all alone try­ing ...
12 Oct 2006

New Website

Welcome to the new web­site! Finally  the site is online ...






New Website

Welcome to the new web­site!

Finally  the site is online but it’s still in the beta ver­sion.
We’ll be chang­ing a lot of stuff over the next few weeks and we’d like to hear your feed­back. What do you like most? What do you really not like?
Tell us about it, but try to be nice..



  1. Bisa - October 12, 2006 12:16 PM

    Nice to see you again on the web Guy! We missed you!
    Very good site, and this blog is really cool. Hope you’ll daily update with your style, and we can meet here just like we do in DG’s blog.

    Shine on

  2. R Britan - October 12, 2006 4:31 PM

    Hy Guy, the new site is fan­tas­tic, very good design and a lot of stuff to check, con­grat­u­la­tions.

  3. Rudders - Toronto - October 13, 2006 7:54 PM


    The new site is a major improve­ment on the pre­vi­ous one… it looks and feels excel­lent…

    Now you have so many Blogs to post on and so lit­tle time 🙂

  4. José Raeiro - October 13, 2006 8:28 PM

    Hello Guy, just to tell you that your new web­site just frskn rocks. Rock on „/​

  5. Renee B. - October 13, 2006 11:08 PM

    Hey Guy the site looks great!!
    Hope all is well.

  6. ash - October 13, 2006 11:30 PM

    Hello Guy,

    This is very nice, been lovely look­ing arround, much nicer than the old one.

    I have been try­ing to read the biog­ra­phy book, and ended up hav­ing a good chuckle because I can’t turn the pages. I’m using one of those lit­tle win­dow things instead of a mouse and keep run­ning out of lit­tle win­dow. (Almost as sur­real an image as the light­bulb man if you put an A infront of lit­tle)

    Perhaps I need a more Delicate touch 🙂 going nuts now to see whats on the other pages.

    Best Wishes,

    ash X

  7. ash - October 13, 2006 11:43 PM

    Ah-ha ! ! there is a knack to turn­ing the pages !

    ash X

  8. Paul B - October 14, 2006 12:31 AM

    Very Nice!

    Now THIS web­site lives up to your rock­star sta­tus Guy. Defeninitely bet­ter than the one before! Hopefully this blog will fend off the evil spam demon present on your pre­vi­ous guest­book.

    I really like the lay­out of the web­site, the book for your bio is very orig­i­nal and the ele­gant vibe is very nice. Now, the music sec­tion still being down? Cmon! Get to it! We wanna a see it fill up with solo albums real soon!

    What else can I say except it was good see­ing you in the sum­mer, thanks again for the pick at the Toronto show. MB&OA DVD. Please, do it for us mexicans.…and the rest of the con­ti­nent, and the world.

    Oh I must add I was a bit sur­prised not to see DG’s web­site in the links sec­tion, maybe you guys for­got about it? Maybe he hasnt paid you for the your? hehe

    Anyway„ hope to see you around here.

  9. yoda - October 14, 2006 12:18 PM

    “you have been blessed, you have been pushed into a
    blind­ing area of

    the ele­phant dreams
    with you
    the curve of space
    bends and

    you can die now.
    you can die now as
    peo­ple were meant to
    hear­ing the music,
    being the music,

    Charles Bukowski


  10. Paul Sexton - October 14, 2006 3:59 PM

    Hi Guy, Glad to see you back!!.

  11. Angelo Ortiz - October 16, 2006 1:09 PM

    Good job on the site! Looking for­ward to catch­ing your show, man.…

    Thanks for your con­tri­bu­tion to fandom,too… it makes lis­ten­ing to music per­son­ally sat­is­fy­ing on a whole other level.…

  12. eunice - October 16, 2006 7:40 PM

    love this new web­site! ele­gant, easy going, cre­ative,
    just bril­liant! Hope you get your music sec­tion going on soon.!

  13. Joe Muldoon - October 17, 2006 3:11 PM

    Hi Guy

    How would you like to come up to Scotland on the 27th October and play bass as a guest spot with my very own Pink Floyd trib­ute show?? Plus, apart from being the high­light of the night, you would get to meet Marco: The Italian Bass leg­end!! (actu­ally he is pretty good).

    Ok, so you will prob­a­bly say no, but hey, its nice to be asked.

  14. Alan - October 18, 2006 1:57 PM

    hi guy great stuff there. but when are you going to bring your show to ire­land? be great to see it!


    ps dark days in par­adise is one of the finest gary moore releases of recent times!

  15. David Kenyon - October 19, 2006 1:40 PM

    Hi Guy — look­ing for­ward to see­ing your show in Bolton at the end of the month — any­one in the North West get down there — its a bril­liant show — be third time ive seen it!!
    Best wishes, Dave

  16. Simon Johnstone - October 27, 2006 6:26 PM

    Absolutly love the new site. Good to see peo­ple from the DG site like Rudders. Good luck.

    P.S When is the next Wales ‘tour’!!!!

  17. Diego Cardenas ( Chile ) - October 30, 2006 4:18 AM

    Hi Guy! it’s great that you are still with your solo carreer..and doing your own show…you are one of the great­est bass play­ers in the globe as Dave Gilmour said.
    just hope to see you playing..solo or in gilmour’s show..some day in southamer­ica.

    Best Regards from Chile and con­grat­u­la­tions for your web­site.

  18. emmanuel - October 30, 2006 12:52 PM

    Hello Guy,

    Finally you have your own blog, how sat­is­fy­ing it must be, although I enjoy the blog from your lat­est band leader David Gilmour, I am now happy to meet your blog on your site.

    First i must enjoyed fol­low­ing the band from London RAH May 30th and 31st, then Venice August 4th and 5th (damn struc­ture) how­ever Venice has a mag­i­cal kick to it and in charm­ing com­pany time flies by faster than I would have liked. Then the 12th August what a great evening, 11th I was stranded in the UK fol­low­ing some non sense and kids play­ing silly buger!! No flight would be tak­ing off, and I strug­gled to reach Venice for the show, and great it was too!!!

    Finally one my last was in Gdansk where it was an ever last­ing great per­for­mance… Could say so much, hav­ing some per­sonal links with Poland, I know they have a great pas­sion about the Pink Floyd and then of course Daid Gilmour’s music and har­monies, and hav­ing One of Their best com­poser, Zbigniew Preisner play­ing along­side, it was a “GOT TO BE DONE” event.
    And above all, you would have missed the rejoyce of the crowd by the gate who only enjoy hav­ing laugh­ters n reen­act­ing the day their par­ents would have taken the ship­yard with their Hero lesch Walesa… and that was great fun wish i had it on cam­era.

    On all ground well done I like your bass and your strangely shaped instru­ments, and can­not wait to see you on November 13th.

    You might remem­ber or not, but by chance I did book at the Hotel Gritti Palace and I had the plea­sure to con­grat­u­late you and the other band’s musi­cians on August 4th and per­son­ally when on the out­side ter­race while enjoy­ing a Belini in the smooth evening salty air.

    Great fun and WOW you played for Michael Jackson, I feel for the man and all the pres­sure peo­ple are putting over him, he is still a great per­former.
    I mix a few jackson(s), with Jackson Brown, Joe Jackson, and then there must be a few more but I get around them even­tu­ally.

    I will look for­ward to the chat on David’s Chat room and finally to see you in London at the King’s Head Theatre.

    Best of Luck and regards,


  19. Matty - October 30, 2006 8:52 PM

    Hi Guy

    Great new web­ste — just a note to wish you luck with your up and com­ing shows — sadly i will be away and will miss them hope to see you in the Midlands again

    Best wishes


  20. Vic Gilmore - October 31, 2006 2:51 AM


    Top show, Top Geezer at The Moses Gate!

    Still think we should form “PuNk FlOyD”

    SET LIST:-
    Let There Be More Sheight
    Fat Old Bastards
    Echoes (What ?)
    Absolutely Bollox
    Brain Damage
    Shine on You Crazy Bastards
    Dogs Bollocks

    Just a few to be get­ting on with.

    Seriously mate — Thans for a great show… Ya know I love ya really!

    Vic Gilmore (The cor­rect spelling !)

    Punk FM19761979 — Punk Rock Radio
    Punk FM

    LoVe BatTery — 19761979 — Punk Rock Covers Band
    LoVe BatTery — Punk Rock — 19761979

    Moses Gate — Music Venue — Farnworth — Bolton — UK
    Moses Gate — “Probably The Best Music Venue In The World !”

  21. emmanuel - October 31, 2006 11:55 AM

    Hello Guy,

    I would have said the same com­ment David wrote for your open­ing page.
    I have seen lis­tened and heard many Bass musi­cians and you are far ahead of the lot.
    Sure you play will be as fun as you play and act on stage.

    Best of Luck, and great of me to choose the 13th as I will have to be on Jury’s duty 3 days later!!!

    Best regards


  22. Mat - October 31, 2006 8:01 PM


    Saw you at the Moses Gate and boy did I laugh! Thank you, very enter­tain­ing! Shame it was such a small turnout please don’t let it put you off com­ing up here again, I’m sure that if you did some­where more cen­tral Manchester you’d get a big­ger crowd. Anyway from one of the few can I pub­licly say if you read this and are con­sid­er­ing going to see Guy, you’re in for a good evening!



  23. adrian kavanagh - November 1, 2006 2:21 AM

    Great site Guy! nice to see a few famil­iar names here.
    You don‘t have the same Fed as DG​.com do you?
    I don‘t want Fed to think bad of me.… oh well off to find JC​.com
    cheers all.

  24. Francesca Lucas - November 1, 2006 9:19 PM

    Hello Guy

    A mas­sive thankyou for com­ing to the Moses Gate, we all had a great night and morn­ing!!
    Hope you had a safe jour­ney home and good luck with the rest of the tour!!

    Fran xx

  25. Thomas O'Connell - November 5, 2006 12:27 AM

    Guy, I just wanted to thank you for join­ing us at Davids Blog. I hope things are going well. I just hope one day you can join us in Davids chat room. We are like a fam­ily with a great Editor(who you must know). Plus I hope you can come to the US with your show. Thomas

  26. Wes Wingate - November 5, 2006 12:52 AM


    I’m look­ing for a ver­sion of Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” that I believe you played on where you can really here the string bass, much more than the synth. I went out and bought as many ver­sions of the song as I could find hop­ing I could find it. It sounds like slap towards the end of the cho­rus. I know I’ve heard this ver­sion. Am I crazy or does this exist some­where. Maybe a radio edit or some­thing? Could you email me if this is true?


  27. Guy Pratt - November 5, 2006 10:10 PM

    The album ver­sion has the best bass mix on it, it’s in the mid­dle and end sec­tions you can hear it.

  28. Haris varajic - November 6, 2006 6:31 AM

    Cool site!

    All the best for best player!


  29. Werner - November 6, 2006 8:50 AM

    Hi Guy.

    Congratulations!! Great new Website!!


  30. Marcus - November 6, 2006 12:36 PM

    I very much like the new site redesign Guy. I think it’s great that you do com­edy, in addi­tion to your music, and who knows what else. Maybe the goats know! I can tell you love what you do, because it shows.

    If you come to the Bay Area and have a moment, I promise I’ll buy you a beer (or, drink of your choice).

    Kindest Regards-

  31. riis - November 6, 2006 2:19 PM

    Hi Guy!

    Thanks for being a tremen­dous inspi­ra­tion and for all your con­tri­bu­tion to both Floyd and Roxy over the years. I’ve seen you four times this year with Gilmour and it was a thrill every­time see­ing how much you enjoyed your­self up on that stage! It would­n’t have sounded the same with­out you!


    Bjorn Riis
    — a trib­ute to David Gilmour and his gui­tar.

  32. Clarice Hickman - November 6, 2006 4:30 PM

    Hello Guy,
    Great to see you have your new web­site up an run­ning, Its very nice. Seen you in New York with David it was great. In my opin­ion you are just as good as Roger on the bass, i shut my eyes and it sounds the same as it did 20 years ago, you were truly a bless­ing for David to find and you have a sense of humor witch makes it alot bet­ter. Hope every thing goes well on you tour and the web­site is great.

    Blessed Be

  33. Bas - November 6, 2006 5:43 PM

    Hi Guy,

    Great improve­ment the new site !
    I sup­pose David wil be post­ing her reg­u­lary now !!
    I hope we see you again soon at your own show or play­ing ter­rific
    bass for (or with) some­body else .

    Bas . the Netherlands

  34. Linda - November 6, 2006 6:34 PM

    hi guy. great web site . i am hav­ing a good nose around and enjoy­ing what i am look­ing at !
    thanks for answer­ing the ques­tions fans asked of you on the david gilmour blog . anio­hter very inter­est­ing thing to read .
    by the way if you ever get a chance please bring my bass and other ani­mals to ire­land . i would love to see your show and trav­ell to the uk for me is not pos­si­ble at the moment .
    take care

  35. EchoesBob - November 6, 2006 7:02 PM

    Guy -

    Love the new site.

    The gang from Luka’s in Oakland sends you a vir­tual pint.

    Let me know if we can do any­thing to help you plan a show out here around San Francisco. We’ll all be there if you come.

    Take Care.


  36. Gabrielle Childers - November 7, 2006 1:49 AM

    Hey there Guy!

    Great look­ing site and so many famil­iar names, too! I was hav­ing the same prob­lem as ash so decided to give it a rest and come say hello first. Hopefully I can finesse those biog­ra­phy pages when I go back.

    The last time I checked and posted on your old site it was filled up with, dare I say it, SPAM. Lots of via­gra offers too … hmm­mmm, any­thing you’d like to share? Just kid­ding.

    Keep hav­ing fun and drop in and chat one of these days. But I warn you, we’re an unsa­vory lot at times … very naughty, mostly Erin of course — I’d never par­tic­i­pate in any­thing like that, would I Irregulars???

    Peace and Love!
    Washington State

  37. Haris Varajic - November 7, 2006 2:35 AM

    Hi again!

    Just adding a lit­tle notice; under music page, the album Restless Heart-Whitesnake is missing…it is just for­got­ten or “cut” out?

    Great playin’ there to!


  38. Movado in India - November 7, 2006 3:18 AM

    Hi Guy,

    Great look and feel to the new site — love the lit­tle gui­tar for load­ing pages.

    Hope your tour is a great suc­cess, look for­ward to read­ing your book when it is finally pub­lished. And thank you for tak­ing the time to answer all our ques­tions.


  39. lorraine - November 7, 2006 11:56 AM

    Hi Guy,

    Nice web­site!

    If you could just pen­cil in Glasgow for the world tour it would be very much appre­ci­ated.
    FWIW I much pre­fer you to that other bass player and you’re younger and bet­ter look­ing 🙂

  40. frank p - November 7, 2006 3:53 PM

    Hello Guy, this is a fan­tas­tic web­site. Best Wishes on your endeav­ours, and thanks for all your inputs. Good ques­tion asked pre­vi­ously, is the Fed involved here too? Hope to see you in the spring,perhaps in Toronto. Okay?

  41. AG (alternate gilmour) - November 7, 2006 10:27 PM

    the site is fan­tas­tic that is really what I think.……

    you should add a sec­tion show­ing all your gear

    p.s. come to tennessee…you have fans here.

  42. Ivo Soares - November 7, 2006 10:41 PM

    hel­lou im from por­tu­gal and i just love but is real love you on bass gui­tar spe­cialy on pink floyd money


  43. Thomas O'Connell - November 8, 2006 2:45 AM

    OK Guy, At 4pm 11/​10/​06, Friday on Davids’ web site. The chat Room will be open till 6pm. You should be up by then, So come and visit us. There is a spe­cial room for the ones who have been with Davids site for along time called the barn. You will have to get the spe­cial pass­word from the Editor(who you know) to get in . We would really enjoy hav­ing you there. Take a chance I know that you will have a good time. Thomas

  44. Matt G - November 8, 2006 1:22 PM

    Hey, love the new web­site. Can’t wait to see it develop!

  45. Ian Pearson - November 8, 2006 1:24 PM

    Hi Guy, just dropped in to say great site, reminds me of another one. Hmmmmmmmm won­der which one???Hope you havent bro­ken any glass recently-remem­ber how well you han­dled things at Glass gow ( pun).

    Ian Pearson

  46. Guy Pratt - November 8, 2006 7:43 PM

    Just like to say con­grat­u­la­tions to all you amer­i­cans who drop in..
    Rummy’s gone!!! Hooray!!

  47. Aaron Gaistman - November 9, 2006 1:48 AM

    Hey Guy! Nice site!

    You really gotta do your tour in North America, i’d see you if you came to Toronto! =)

  48. Fran - November 9, 2006 9:29 PM

    Hello Guy

    Would you ever be play­ing with roxy music again?.…..i would like to see you if you ever do!


  49. Angelo Ortiz - November 10, 2006 7:26 PM

    Yes guy, Rummy’s gone!

    Maybe there is hope?

  50. ag - November 12, 2006 12:17 AM

    All we need now is for you to gag Blair.

  51. Joana Vieira - November 12, 2006 8:42 PM

    What a great site. i’ve never seen noth­ing like this before! It’s amaz­ing!! Ricardo Padua excel­lent job!!

  52. Mark Bain - November 13, 2006 1:12 PM

    Great to see your own blog up and run­ning Guy. Any hope of doing one of your shows in Scotland? (Aberdeen is nice!)

  53. Bran from Croatia - November 13, 2006 4:07 PM

    Didnt see this place b4!
    Great look­ing site you have Guy…

    I hope you’ll post in this blog…unlike David that never dropped in to say hi…David, David…lol


  54. herbert choo - November 13, 2006 11:56 PM

    very lovely web­site, long time fan been of bass instru­ment gui­tar … so shocked no men­tion in discog­ra­phy bit of bass gui­tar play­ing you are doing on ” Because We Love You ” the long play­ing album record by Stephen The Duffy … some really lovely lines of the bass going on there … hur­ray … and as you say ROCK ON!

    PS 12″ of Icing on the Cake was very groovy too …

  55. Jessica - November 14, 2006 4:50 AM

    I agree with every­one, this site is much more “grown up” dare I say.

    Actually looks like some­one is trying..no offence 🙂

    I still can’t find your book.…

  56. Phoenix - November 14, 2006 7:23 AM

    Guy, stum­bled across your site and the blog quite by acci­dent (blame David’s blog ;).

    I have a feel­ing my next project is going back through his blog and see­ing the inter­est­ing things you have to say there. Even the briefest glimpse tells me that I should have paid more atten­tion in the past. 😉

    Anyway, been a fan for years, and you can blame the Delicate Sound of Thunder tour on that. Well, the video, any­way, since I haven’t man­aged to actu­ally /​see/​ you in con­cert in per­son yet. In any of the videos and DVDs you’re in, I always have to watch ya, because you’re hav­ing too much fun.

    I must say that you’re one of the two main rea­sons I’m inter­ested in the bass as an instru­ment (the other is Geddy Lee). Now if only I had a real bass to learn on (sigh). And it’s tak­ing for­ever to get my gui­tar cal­luses back after a long enforced vaca­tion from stringed instru­ments. At least my strat misses me, yay!

    Looking for­ward to more posts and such,

    the Phoenix.

  57. Guy Pratt - November 14, 2006 10:34 AM

    Hi all
    Thanks for your kind words. Had a good show in London last night, the audi­ence took a bit of warm­ing up but I got them in the end..
    Thanks to every­one who came. I’ll try and answer ques­tions more from now on..
    BTW I think every­one should be rec­om­mend­ing Ricardo as a web­site designer as he’s the best don’t you think?

  58. Phoenix - November 14, 2006 8:15 PM

    I’d hire him myself if I could afford him. 🙂

    Sorry I missed the show, but until they invent a decent tele­port, wrong side of the pond, I’m sorry to say.

    the Phoenix.

  59. ag - November 15, 2006 12:58 AM

    will you ever spend more time in the U.S. ??

    what do you think of basses from japan?

  60. emmanuel - November 15, 2006 10:13 AM

    Hello Guy and well done for your show.

    Slow start and never too easy to warm up an audi­ence, but I did try to ini­ti­ate some applause and get them all to fol­low.
    I much enjoyed all the aneg­dotes and sto­ries.

    Being a pilot myself I always try to run out of the toi­lets when the plane is on take off mode.… It is GREAT fun Indeed!!!

    About the AOL videos, if there were nobody watch­ing you per­form then they copy and pasted the crowd, and for sure there was a Toyota near, did you all test dri­ven it?

    Will enjoy see­ing your show again next year if you con­tinue, and please let me know when a book is com­ing out.

    All the best for the next show dates.


  61. Guy Pratt - November 15, 2006 10:06 PM

    I hope to tour my show in the states next year, and I used to play an Aria Pro 2 years ago..

  62. Phoenix - November 16, 2006 1:02 AM

    Those’re pretty shiny, but I’m still overly fond of the Fender basses, and a friend’s try­ing to get me to buy his stand-up. I don’t have that sorta cash float­ing about due to var­i­ous game con­soles com­ing out JUST in time for the hol­i­days. *cough* Ahem. Hand-eye coör­di­na­tion prac­tice, don’tcha­know. 😉

    Hopefully your US/​NA tour will man­age a locale near me!

    And if not, road trips can be fun. 🙂

    the Phoenix.

    Current music: Bass by Hot Waffles.

  63. Chris - November 17, 2006 5:03 PM

    Nice site Guy, hope you drop in from time to time any­way LOVE the web site and love your bass play­ing, I’m a Pink Floyd fan and… I actu­aly like your play­ing on the 19871989 and Knebworth 1990 and the 1994 DB tour, very well done!

    Also, why did­n’t you demand that your bass solo in Money dur­ing the 1994 tour, like the 19871989, to still be allowed to play it?


  64. Becky in Atlanta - November 18, 2006 7:15 PM

    Howdy, Guy! It took me a lit­tle while to motor over here but I have to say it’s pretty darned cool that you have your own site and blog. (Can we talk about bootlegs and trib­ute bands here? Just kid­ding.…)

    And yes, thank good­ness Rummy’s gone. How nice of you to men­tion that! I hope we can make lots of much-needed changes in our gov­ern­ment these next two years. The US took a bad turn with W and needs to fix a bunch of stuff. I hope that igno­min­ious period in our his­tory is soon gone for­ever.

    If you come to the states, Guy, be sure and do a few shows in the south. (Atlanta would be nice, of course.) We’re not all red­necks and idiots.


    PS–I like your site very much…very appeal­ing visu­ally… although the print is rather small. But I sup­pose that has to do with my screen res­o­lu­tion, eh? And my fail­ing eye­sight?

  65. Guy Pratt - November 19, 2006 1:12 PM

    Morning all
    I’m down in France fran­ti­cally try­ing to get my book fin­ished. Very funny revis­it­ing the mis­ad­ven­tures of my youth.
    By the way, every­one who says “Why don’t you do a show in so and so”
    I intend to take my show every­where I can, so hang on..

    The rea­son I did­n’t do Bass solo’s afdter 89 is because I realised what band I was in!


  66. Michèle (France) - November 19, 2006 2:25 PM

    Welcome to you in France, Guy !

  67. Phoenix - November 19, 2006 9:47 PM

    Guy said: [By the way, every­one who says “Why don’t you do a show in so and so” I intend to take my show every­where I can, so hang on..]

    Hanging on with quiet des­per­a­tion. 😀

    By the way, Guy, if you want to build up some buzz in advance, I’d be more than happy to air brief clips of some of your stuff on my inter­net radio show. We not only air the usual sort of fare you’d see on Dr. Demento’s show (half of my sta­tion’s DJs have been /​on/​ said show with their own funny stuff), but we also do stand-up come­di­ans and spo­ken word… I’m told your mate­r­ial trans­lates well into an audio-only expe­ri­ence.

    Just an idle offer here, no huge pres­sure or guilt-trip­ping. 🙂 It’d just be freakin’ cool, that’s all. 🙂

    Good luck with the book.

    the Phoenix.

    PS. Bön jour, Michele, com­ment ca va?

    (This is me hav­ing flash­backs to high school, and that was 20 years ago.) 😉

  68. Renee B. - November 20, 2006 1:56 AM

    Hoping and hop­ing you will come to the US. I hope you have a great hol­i­day sea­son, glad to see you post­ing.
    By the way thanks for answer­ing one of my ques­tions on the DG Blog!

    Renee B.
    Fontana, Ca USA

  69. Chris - November 20, 2006 3:03 PM

    Thanks for the answer sir.

    That’s how­ever such a pity, if I reme­ber right your only bass solo(well except the entry from One Of These Days) was in Oakland in 1994, right?

    I realy loved you solos, espe­cialy the Venice 1989 one, witch I have on DVD, just won­der­ful played, and one other thing, how did you do your hair then? It looks great!

    Good luck with your book and best wishes.


  70. Marcus - November 22, 2006 10:29 PM

    Thanks for hav­ing a pro­fes­sional blog in addi­tion to David’s. It’s nice to have an equally cool, but dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive! Have you thought of offer­ing your com­edy via pod­cast or dig­i­tal down­load? I know I would pur­chase one…

  71. Gabrielle Childers - November 23, 2006 6:07 AM

    Hey Guy,

    Paint My House”??? Put FEd on it since he/​she is a much-acclaimed house-remodel, spackle and paint expert!

    Great to hear that you’re plan­ning to hit the road in the States with your show next year. I actu­ally don’t think I’ve ever been to a com­edy club before, even when I lived in the LA area where they are plen­ti­ful! That set­tles it … your’s will be my first. And then there’s your up-com­ing book, too. You are a busy boy, aren’t you?

    Have a won­der­ful time in France while you fin­ish up your book!

    Washington State

  72. Ian Pearson - November 23, 2006 1:14 PM

    Looking for­ward to see­ing you in Thurso, Caithness Guy. 2007 is year of cul­ture for Inverness and I cant think of a more cul­tured bass player than you. Especially with your Scottish roots.

    Ian Pearson

  73. Julian - November 24, 2006 10:45 AM


    The new site is great. Look for­ward to vis­it­ing it in the future. Looking for­ward to see­ing you at the Kings Head Theatre this Sunday.

  74. Guy Pratt - November 24, 2006 12:51 PM

    Scottish Roots?

  75. ag - November 27, 2006 3:41 AM

    I’d like to know more about your hard­ware on the Floyd shows. Also, have you mod­i­fied any of your gui­tars?

  76. Julian - November 27, 2006 10:48 AM

    My wife Ann and I enjoyed your show last night. We had a great meal in a Thai rester­aunt a cou­ple of doors up then came in to see you.
    Have to say you got the bal­ance of giv­ing a bit of inside knowl­edge to the peo­ple you have worked with in a very funny and amus­ing way with­out being sala­tious, well per­haps just a lit­tle bit but we enjoyed it. We were also impressed by your musi­cal abil­i­ties, but for a musi­cian of your cal­i­bre I sup­pose this should­n’t be a sur­prise.
    Great stuff.

  77. Guy Pratt - November 28, 2006 12:23 PM

    Aparet from putting EMG pick­ups in my 64 Jazz no.
    Thank you,I never got to that Thai, kept mean­ing to..

  78. Brian Slater - November 30, 2006 6:56 AM


    I’m glad you have a per­sonal space where we can say a lit­tle hello from time to time. I had the awe­some oppor­tu­nity to meet you for a pint at Lucca’s before the sec­ond Gilmour show in Oakland, Ca. BigAl and I made sure to send you off with a gra­cious thank you before you took the stage and once again impressed our hum­ble ears. I have always enjoyed watch­ing you play as you move around on stage play­ing such dri­ving bass lines. I thought you should know. By the way, have you seen any footage or pho­tos of that night at Lucca’s? I did­n’t have a cam­era and would love to see you and our group one more time.


  79. Brian Slater - November 30, 2006 7:00 AM

    Forgot to say, “You Rock!” like a true American.……

  80. Bran - November 30, 2006 2:34 PM

    Hi there!

    I whas just wondering…did you or David ever visit Croatia?
    I’m not gonna start another you should do a show here and so on…it’s just I know you two some­times go on vaca­tion together in Greece and stuff.
    I mean, Croatia has a very beau­ty­full coast.
    I would be very pleased if the two of you decided to visit my coun­try some­time.
    The Floyd never ever had a gig in these parts.
    For ’94 tour I had to travel to Munich to see you and this year I went to Milan to see you two.…and of course…had a time of my life.
    My point is, you have loads of fans here too…and we are not so far away…

    And yea…as the yanks say…You Rawk dOOd! 🙂


  81. Guy Pratt - November 30, 2006 6:02 PM

    I know peo­ple who sail around Croatia, which I fancy, I might be going there with Bryan Ferry next year.

  82. Bran - December 1, 2006 1:22 PM

    Hey Guy!

    You mean, you’re going to have a gig with Brian?
    Or you’re going to sail with him on the Adriatic sea? 🙂

    One other thing…I like your slap bass parts on some of the Floyd songs…particulary on Another brick pt.II. live.
    Screw those who dont.


  83. Karen - December 6, 2006 1:06 PM

    Hi Guy,

    Been check­ing your site reg­u­larly for a while and noth­ing really seemed to work. And now I don\‘t even know how I got here. Actually I can\‘t even began to tell you and I prob­a­bly won’t remem­ber and noth­ing will work again tomor­row and I work in IT, so I should know this stuff.

    But it\‘s 11pm here in Sydney, I have had 4 hours sleep and I\‘m rav­ing a bit.

    Anyway nice to finally say hi, nice site.

    And you don’t hear from me again, it’s because every­things gone pear shaped again.


    [try to update your browser to the lat­est ver­sion..] 

  84. Paul - December 7, 2006 3:59 PM

    Hi Guy,

    Have acci­dently bumped into your blog via The Transit Kings. Have always admired the fact that you do both com­mer­cial and (very) uncom­mer­cial music. I have to admit to being sur­prised at some of the peo­ple you have worked with. I became aware of your bass play­ing skills through The Orb and did see you per­form with the Floyd.

    Well good luck to you with your future endeav­ours and keep doing the uncom­mer­cial stuff!!

    Best Wishes

    Paul from Glasgow, Scotland

  85. Andy - January 1, 2007 8:41 PM

    Cool site, will def look out for any more shows.

    What a CV too!

    Been enjoy­ing the Pink Floyd “Pulse” DVD. Great Bass play­ing!

    ps. what hap­pened to your hair mate! (kid­ding)

  86. Jax Gould - June 14, 2007 9:59 AM

    This one makes sence “One’s first step in wis­dom is to kuesstion every­thing — and one’s last is to come to terms with every­thing.”

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  89. Fluelmement - December 19, 2007 2:33 PM

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  92. just ask rental - October 2, 2011 5:19 PM

    Caro Guy!

    Sou fã dos Pink Floyd, aprendi a gostar através de meu pai (já fale­cido), e hoje tenho quase todos os acer­vos de vocês. Gostaria muito que vocês viessem para o BRASIL, pois aqui vocês são REIS, MITO. Aquele show que de 1995 (PULSE) para mim foi e é o mel­hor de todos os tem­pos. Gostaria muito que aquele PULSE venha para o RIO DE JANEIRO, com certeza abso­luta será de casa cheia!!! Um forte abraço e SUCESSO a todos.